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金刚得 发表于 2016-7-8 15:26

Culinary Healing for Your Chakras

[size=5][size=6][b]Culinary Healing for Your Chakras[/b][/size]

There’s a delicious way to heal and balance your chakras: food! Food is Nature’s most powerful medicine, and foods (especially those that correspond to the colors of the chakras) carry vibrations that can balance and heal your chakras.

When you think about your chakras, you probably don’t think about them in terms of food, since they are non-physical. But the body does need physical support to function optimally, and a well-functioning body, a happy mind and a healthy chakra system are all interconnected and balance each other.

So let’s look at food in terms of how it can heal the chakras. When one or more of your chakras are blocked, you may be overeating a certain food, or not eating enough of it.

Foods That Nourish Your Chakras
Root: grounding

Seek out root vegetables to heal your root chakra: potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, radishes and beets. If you don’t like root veggies it might be because they were served boiled, which is the most unfortunate way to serve them (they get mushy and tasteless). Try broiling root veggies, along with rosemary, garlic and onions and a bit of veggie or chicken stock, and serve drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. They will develop a rich, almost nutty flavor and maintain their color and texture! Spice your everyday dishes with cayenne, paprika and pepper. For a snack or dessert, try strawberries, cherries and apples.

Sacral: sexuality and creativity

Go for the orange foods to stimulate the sacral chakra: if you’re in the mood for something sweet, go for peaches, melons, mangoes, apricots, oranges and passion fruit are delicious and very sensual fruits – think of them representing the juices of life and stimulating your creative juices too! For a hearty meal, consider sweet potatoes, which can be the basis of any meal; and snack on nuts. Cinnamon, turmeric and curry (a blend of several orange spices) are great sacral chakra healers.

Solar plexus: self-love and self-esteem

What’s more cheerful than yellow? Eat yellow squash, spaghetti squash, corn, pasta, bread and cereal (including rice), sunflower seeds, pineapple, bananas and yellow nuts like walnuts. Start the day off with a big glass of hot or warm water with a squeeze of lemon in it, to detox your body and wake up your organs. Spice your foods with ginger, and end the day with a soothing chamomile tea.

Heart: love

Anything green will heal the heart! Leafy veggies like spinach, kale, collard greens, dandelion greens and chard make a great start to a salad. Add avocados to make your salad into a hearty meal. Broccoli, celery, zucchini and green beans are delicious in any meal. Sugar snap peas or kiwi make a great snack, and you have a virtual pharmacy in your garden if you plant parsley, cilantro, sage, thyme and basil. Mint or green teas offer a natural detox, and help with weight loss too!

Throat: self-expression

Nourish your ability to speak your truth and express yourself, with lots of liquids. Water, fruit juices and herbal teas are best – definitely avoid all sodas (especially the artificially sweetened kinds). All tangy, mouth-watering fruits are great for your throat chakra: kiwi, lemons, limes, grapes, apples and grapefruit keep your throat moist and ready to sing out loud or speak up when you need to!

Third eye: intuition

Berries are king when it comes to healing the third eye (brow) chakra: enjoy fresh blueberries, blackberries, grapes, raspberries and strawberries for a snack or dessert. You can add plums to make a gorgeous fruit salad, and grill up a delicious eggplant, purple beets or purple kohlrabi as a main dish. Poppy seeds, purple garlic and lavender make great spices!

Crown: spirituality

There is no food that will heal the crown chakra, since it is outside the physical body. However, fasting and cleansing (or detoxing) are great practices that you can do once a month or several times a year.

For Best Results
For best results, try to eat food as close to its natural state as possible. Of course some things do have to be cooked, but avoid high-temperature cooking, burning (grilling or barbecueing is okay, but do not let the food burn) and overly processed foods that have taken on the energy of the processing plant (yuck, harsh and discordant industrial energies)!

As you take care of your physical body through culinary adventures, be sure to infuse your cooking with love and gratitude, because you can be sure that the energies of love and gratitude WILL transfer through your food into your body, to heal your chakras!


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