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标题: Heal Yourself with Energy Healing Modalities [打印本页]

作者: 风火时轮    时间: 2016-7-17 12:08     标题: Heal Yourself with Energy Healing Modalities

Heal Yourself with Energy Healing Modalities

When practicing energy healing modalities it’s important to realize that although no two modalities or practitioners will ever be the same, the results can be. The unifying factor is the power of your mind – your intention, your expectations and your belief.

The ancient saying, “Patient, heal thyself!” is not a cruel thing to say, but the truth that at our core we are all energetic beings with the power to manipulate the physical manifestations of energy!

Energy healing modalities mean

The healing process is different for each person. If the patient sets the intention that a particular form of energy healing will work, then the stage is set for healing. Any doubt or pessimism can dilute the healing energies. If the patient expects to be healed, then healing will be encouraged. If the patient secretly harbors a belief that it’s hopeless and a waste of time, well, then it will be. If the patient believes that everything is energy and that true healing has an energetic source, then the mental and emotional blocks to healing will be removed and healing will occur.

Energy healing essentially clears the roadblocks. If energy flows freely through the chakras, the body’s amazing capacity for self-healing is activated. But if energy is blocked, the body will be busy in survival mode.

Energy healing can bring immense feelings of relief and exhilaration. Sometimes you may feel exhausted after a session. This is simply a sign of your body readjusting as the healing process removes negative energy blocks. As your emotional body detoxifies, you may even notice changes in your physical body such as skin rashes or illness following a treatment – take these unpleasant side effects as signs that energy healing is working!

Whether you learn and practice these healing modalities on yourself or seek a healer to help guide you, it’s important to choose an energy healing modality that resonates with you. Choose the one that intuitively feels right and keep in mind that you are identifying and addressing the energetic root of the problem so that the body is supported in its self-healing.

All energy healing works - if you align your beliefs with it.An Introduction to Some Well-Known Energy Healing Modalities
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT): Bring the negative energies to the forefront of your awareness; sometimes awareness is enough to break them down and release them, and other times you may need to consciously direct positive energy into your energy body so that the negativity can be pushed out (much like turning on a light in a dark room). Those suffering from emotional stress or physical ailments can benefit from this healing modality the most.

Spiritual Restructuring (SR): One of the more powerful modalities, this helps you to bring the spiritual and physical into harmony together. Healing occurs between both the physical and spiritual plane so that the physical body and the body of the soul are repaired simultaneously. Healing is more easily achieved and in less time this way. Muscle and joint pains as well as other physical imbalances in the body are brought back to a healthy and positive state. You can also learn what nutritional needs you may have in order to bring your vitality back and release toxins from the body.

Choose a modality that resonates with you.Chakra Balancing and Attunement: A fairly simple but effective energy healing modality, chakra balancing and attunement works to repair a damaged or imbalanced chakra and put it back into harmony with the other main chakras in the body. This healing modality reopens a damaged, blocked or imbalanced chakra to the power of healing energy. The chakras serve as the conduits through which positive energy can free flow through our physical and spiritual being. When one is affected, all are affected. Illness, depression, mental or bodily stress and injury can all work against the chakras to throw them out of balance. Use the following phrases when balancing your chakras, to give clear direction to your mind and emotions:

Root Chakra: Responsible and nurturing
Sacral Chakra: Benevolent and forgiving
Solar Plexus Chakra: Confident or self-valued
Heart Chakra: Loving kindness and unconditional love
Throat Chakra: Open communicator and authentic
Third-eye Chakra: Resilient and strong
Crown Chakra: Grateful and aware of the Divine
Reiki (Touch) Healing: Reiki uses a series of hand positions either held just above or lightly on the areas of the body where the chakras are located. The hand positions are meant to offer and introduce positive energy from the healer into the physical and energy body of the afflicted. You can perform reiki on yourself with your own hands, or enlist the help of a healer.

Unleash the healing power of your mind!Theta Healing: Theta healing is all about converting yourself into a co-creator of your life and your reality. Become connected with your higher self and the Higher Entity in order to play an active role in the process of creating your life. It moves beyond simple energy healing and works to completely replace negativity that has been programmed into our subconscious, even if the negativity has been there for years. Use theta healing to cancel out the self, or inward, negativity that so too often manifests itself in the subconscious and replace it with self-empowerment and spiritual growth. The point here is to reprogram the subconscious mind by letting your consciousness move into the theta brainwave state through meditation.

At our most fundamental levels of being we are a series of energy exchanges and consciousness. It is only natural that energy healing is a basis for all healing. Attempting to cure the symptoms never leads to healing. To truly heal, you must go within, to the source, to the energetic imbalance.

Your healing process begins by connecting yourself to the energy healing modality that resonates with you the best. If you haven’t found something that you feel will work for you in the list above, there are many, many others. Keep looking! Finding the modality that fits you will be its own journey of awakening.

Whichever type of energy healing you choose, remember that it is the power of your own energy that must be awakened: intention, expectation, belief.
作者: 风火时轮    时间: 2016-7-19 14:17




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