
How to Hum Your Way to Healthy Chakras

How to Hum Your Way to Healthy Chakras

Sound healing has been used since the dawn of man!Sound healing has been used for thousands of years as a way to restore harmony in the mind and body. Sound has a powerful physiological effect – beyond the pleasant feelings we get when we hear music we like, we are also affected on a physical, emotional and spiritual level by the vibrational quality of the music we listen to. Your chakras can be affected, either positively or negatively, by sounds.

Singing bowls are one way that you can balance your chakras. While they are amazingly effective, pleasurable to listen to, and the sounds are incredibly soothing and wonderful, you can also supercharge their vibrational resonance by humming along.

Singing bowls are actually upside-down bells and are usually played using a wooden mallet. You can strike the sides of the bowl to create a gong-like sound. Rubbing the sides of the bowl creates a long, drawn-out vibration at one particular note – this is the one to hum to.

Even if you think you don’t have a musical ear or can’t sing, you can hum. And, you can change the pitch of your humming until it matches the resonance of the singing bowl. Actually this can be applied to any instrument, including another human voice, but singing bowls are awesome because they are able to hold one particular frequency for a very long time, giving your body ample time to match that resonance and achieve harmony.

Once you reach resonance – or vibrational harmony – with another instrument (again, the voice qualifies!) you actually feel it in your body, most notably in your throat. That’s when you know you’re completely in sync with the instrument!

Hum along to singing bowls for powerful healing.Since Tibetan singing bowls are calibrated to different vibrational frequencies, they are also calibrated to the different chakras. The lower the chakra, the lower the pitch of the bowl.

The long resonance of a singing bowl, accompanied by your own humming, creates an incredibly powerful resonance in the body. In effect, the sound “shatters” any blockages in the chakras whose vibration is aligned with the singing bowl/humming. You can use this method to clear out blockages and correct any imbalances that have occurred.

Each singing bowl can carry three different vibrations, much like a musical chord (three notes that are in harmony). The continuous sound feels like “one” sound, even though it’s made of three distinct notes. Here are some facts about the “chakra notes.” Feel free to hum along!

Root chakra: key of C, 256 Hz

Sacral chakra: key of D, 288 Hz

Solar plexus chakra: key of E, 320 Hz

Heart chakra: key of F, 341.3 Hz

Throat chakra, key of G, 384 Hz

Third eye chakra, key of A, 426.7 Hz

Crown chakra, key of B, 480 Hz

You can practice humming sound therapy on your own. All you need is another instrument to “tune” yourself with. While singing bowls are optimal because of the duration of the vibration, you can use any instrument and hum along until you match your self-made sound to that of the instrument. It’s an incredibly powerful yet soothing healing modality!

http://www.chakrahealing.com/blo ... to-healthy-chakras/

