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版主: 金刚海会

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全局置顶   金刚总持祈请颂 大手印传承祈请颂 金刚得 2005-11-6 9/36695 花开见佛 2024-1-15 08:12
全局置顶   Aogula 噢咕拉坛城护摩火供法宝咒轮 020 89019983 图片附件 班匝咕汝 2021-7-24 13/20538 太虚 2023-4-23 19:40
全局置顶   上师五十法颂略释 班匝咕汝 2015-3-23 14/49260 fpnjm 2023-1-3 09:54
全局置顶   七日持诵 第十五期 华严经贤首品 班匝咕汝 2010-3-17 19/62522 fpnjm 2023-1-3 09:52
全局置顶   莲花生大士七章祈请颂 绛巴嘉措 2006-1-11 19/33027 fpnjm 2023-1-3 09:51
Lock   藏密修海网站的声明! 班匝咕汝 2006-6-19 0/81332 普顿仁钦 2008-7-16 21:21
本版置顶   龙王菩萨妙旋舞 变化无穷难思议 图片附件 绛巴嘉措 2010-6-12 16/31706 佛海 2024-5-20 17:07
本版置顶   观身为龙转宝珠 妙舞自在动中定 图片附件 法成 2010-7-19 17/29898 佛海 2024-5-20 16:58
本版置顶   修北极四圣之 天蓬元帅,修丹练气的实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-4-23 1/476 佛海 2024-5-17 17:18
本版置顶   修北极四圣之 真武大帝,修丹练气的实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-4-5 1/601 佛海 2024-5-4 14:04
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本版置顶   道观山门护法王灵官实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-3-31 0/457 佛海 2024-3-31 22:49
本版置顶   人身八足狮子瑞兽护法实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2021-12-21 3/7026 佛海 2024-3-29 17:46
本版置顶   文殊化身瑞兽祥瑞金刚牛实修笔记 佛海 2021-11-11 5/5645 佛海 2023-6-4 15:53
本版置顶   行禅实修体证泰国佛教护法三十三头祥瑞大象王 图片附件 佛海 2021-3-4 16/8292 lvmjn 2023-6-4 15:53
本版置顶   狮鹏瑞兽和大鹏迦陵频伽实修笔记 佛海 2021-10-4 2/6766 佛海 2023-6-4 15:53
本版置顶   大鹏自在振翅舞 动中修定转宝珠 (动画观修) 附件 金刚呈 2013-1-9 13/32031 lvmjn 2023-6-4 15:53
本版置顶   中脉七轮图 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-4 2/10605 r小可冰 2023-6-4 15:53
本版置顶   瑜珈人体脉轮图 附件 法成 2006-6-28 19/25672 莲师心子 2023-3-31 13:24
本版置顶   人体脉轮系统图集 图片附件 金刚海会 2016-6-12 3/14112 金鑫 2021-1-29 21:11
本版置顶   脉轮能量的层次级别对照图 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-4 3/17406 若讷 2019-6-4 23:16
本版置顶   中脉七轮与任督气脉循环图 图片附件 金刚海会 2016-7-5 0/9433 金刚海会 2016-7-5 08:23
common   修通经络脉轮的实修体证 佛海 2024-6-7 0/200 佛海 2024-6-7 22:42
common   龙龟瑞兽实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-6-7 0/199 佛海 2024-6-7 22:39
common   神猴哈努曼护法实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-5-20 0/335 佛海 2024-5-20 17:17
common   脉轮图示 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-4 2/7426 花开见佛 2024-5-19 16:45
common   斗姥摩利支天实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-5-17 2/332 佛海 2024-5-17 19:39
common   神兽白泽实修笔记 图片附件 佛海 2024-4-6 1/450 佛海 2024-4-6 21:17
common   虹光脉轮观想导引知识的普及参考版 图片附件 瑞祥 2013-2-4 2/21704 lvmjn 2023-6-4 15:53
common   曼都卡奥义书 金刚愷 2006-9-5 7/12663 yuc 2023-1-31 20:24
common   瑜伽经 金刚竹 2011-3-10 5/17717 yuc 2023-1-31 20:23
common   大梵奥义书 宝莲定觉 2013-10-6 5/9780 yuc 2023-1-31 20:22
common   《甘露滴奥义书》 宝莲定觉 2013-10-11 5/10330 yuc 2023-1-31 20:21
common   瑜伽顶奥义书 宝莲定觉 2013-10-13 5/9839 yuc 2023-1-31 20:20
common   仙人揉腹健身法 图片附件 宝莲定觉 2013-7-27 5/11983 yuc 2023-1-31 20:19
common   略说气脉明点 可建冯 2012-11-27 5/11612 yuc 2023-1-31 20:18
common   瑜伽呼吸法 lvselianhua 2006-9-19 7/15539 yuc 2023-1-31 20:17
common   脉轮刹克拉-瑜伽生理学 宝莲定觉 2013-12-5 7/10781 yuc 2023-1-31 20:15
common   瑜伽真性奥义书 宝莲定觉 2013-11-5 8/11672 yuc 2023-1-31 20:14
common   The 12 Chakras 图片附件 金刚得 2016-7-3 2/7072 yuc 2023-1-31 16:19
common   The Hand Chakras 图片附件 金刚得 2016-7-3 4/8202 yuc 2023-1-31 16:18
common   Does Technology Harm My Chakras? 金刚得 2016-7-3 2/7355 yuc 2023-1-31 16:17
common   Awaken the Chakras With These 12 powerful Sound Mantras 金刚得 2016-7-4 1/7352 yuc 2023-1-31 16:16
common   Can Your Friends Help Clear Your Chakras? 金刚得 2016-7-4 3/7549 yuc 2023-1-31 16:15
common   How to Hum Your Way to Healthy Chakras 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/7536 yuc 2023-1-31 16:14
common   A Mystical Ritual To Activate Your Chakras During The Full Moon 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/7732 yuc 2023-1-31 16:13
common   Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked? Here's How To Open It 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/7459 yuc 2023-1-31 16:12
common   7 Windows to the Soul 图片附件 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/7467 yuc 2023-1-31 16:11
common   Balance Your Chakra 图片附件 金刚得 2016-7-4 9/9616 yuc 2023-1-31 16:10
common   A Grounding Yoga Pose To Activate Your Chakras 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/7212 yuc 2023-1-31 16:09
common   the serpent power ------the secrets of tantric and shaktic yoga 图片附件 金刚得 2013-12-30 11/27572 yuc 2023-1-31 16:08
common   THE HUMAN CHAKRA SYSTEM 图片附件 金刚得 2013-11-27 10/19554 yuc 2023-1-31 16:07
common   THE KUNDALINI - SERPENTS AND DRAGONS 图片附件 金刚海会 2016-5-29 1/6946 yuc 2023-1-31 16:06
common   CHAKRA COLORS AND STONES 图片附件 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/7314 yuc 2023-1-31 16:04
common   HEAL THE BODY AND SOUL WITH REIKI AND THE CHAKRAS 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/7018 yuc 2023-1-31 16:03
common   CHAKRA HEALING ESSENTIAL OILS 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/6836 yuc 2023-1-31 16:02
common   Chakra Chart: Meanings Of The Seven Chakras 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/7221 yuc 2023-1-31 16:01
common   How to Influence Your Solar Plexus Chakra 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/6802 yuc 2023-1-31 16:00
common   Chakra Clearing for Kids 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/13148 yuc 2023-1-31 15:59
common   Prayers and Mantras for Chakra Healing 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/7286 yuc 2023-1-31 15:58
common   Culinary Healing for Your Chakras 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/7388 yuc 2023-1-31 15:57
common   Can You Really Feel Your Chakras? 金刚得 2016-7-8 1/7873 yuc 2023-1-31 15:56
common   Follow Your Inner Wisdom with a Third Eye Opening 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 2/7970 yuc 2023-1-31 15:55
common   Chakra Meditations You Can Do Any Time 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 2/7947 yuc 2023-1-31 15:54
common   Using Chakra Mantras to Unblock Energy 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 2/8118 yuc 2023-1-31 15:53
common   The 7 Chakras for Beginners 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 2/8023 yuc 2023-1-31 15:52
common   Reiki Chakra: How it Works and Healing Techniques 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 2/8457 yuc 2023-1-31 15:51
common   Healing Mantras and Their Effects on the Chakras 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 3/8045 yuc 2023-1-31 15:50
common   Restoring Your Energetic Vitality through Chakra Alignment 淡泊真味 2016-9-9 4/8649 yuc 2023-1-30 21:22
common   Healing Meditation – The Key to Health, Happiness, and Prosperity 淡泊真味 2016-9-9 4/8746 yuc 2023-1-30 21:20
common   Easy Ways to Clear Your Chakras At Work! 金刚得 2016-7-8 2/7609 yuc 2023-1-30 20:55
common   Chakra Balancing: the Secret to Well-Being 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 3/8204 yuc 2023-1-30 20:53
common   Open the Chakras With Meditation for Healing 淡泊真味 2016-7-24 1/7828 yuc 2023-1-30 20:51
common   Patient, Heal Thyself! How to Use Intuitive Healing 淡泊真味 2016-7-24 1/14374 yuc 2023-1-30 20:49
common   Healing, Balancing Chakra Meditation Techniques 淡泊真味 2016-7-24 3/8277 yuc 2023-1-30 20:47
common   How To See And Interpret Aura Colors 淡泊真味 2016-7-24 3/8378 yuc 2023-1-30 20:45
common   Channelling the Energies of the Earth 淡泊真味 2016-7-25 3/8413 yuc 2023-1-30 20:44
common   声点奥义书 宝莲定觉 2013-10-6 4/11096 yuc 2023-1-30 20:42
common   Chakra Blocks Using Touch 金刚得 2016-7-3 4/8130 yuc 2023-1-30 20:40
common   禅定点奥义书 宝莲定觉 2013-10-6 4/11505 yuc 2023-1-30 20:38
common   Chakra Exercises: Your Way To Healing 淡泊真味 2016-9-9 3/8594 yuc 2023-1-30 20:36
common   Chakra Cleansing Exercises For Every Day 淡泊真味 2016-9-9 4/8293 yuc 2023-1-30 20:34
common   Kundalini Massage – Your Key To a Remarkable Source of Energy And Power 淡泊真味 2016-9-9 3/8271 yuc 2023-1-30 20:32
common   三脉七轮的奥秘及其开启 可建冯 2012-11-28 1/12731 uheax 2023-1-7 09:38
common   经络脉轮图 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-4 2/9754 uheax 2023-1-7 09:37
common   燃烧的太极图 图片附件 宝莲定觉 2016-6-5 1/7657 uheax 2023-1-7 09:34
common   神圣的几何图形 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-9 1/8990 uheax 2023-1-7 09:33
common   神圣几何图形与我们的关系 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-9 1/8288 uheax 2023-1-7 09:32
common   七个脉轮的七种特质 瑞祥 2016-6-17 1/8228 uheax 2023-1-7 09:31
common   Introduction to the chakras 图片附件 金刚得 2016-6-20 1/7242 uheax 2023-1-7 09:30
common   Chakra Meditation Objective 金刚得 2016-6-20 4/7762 uheax 2023-1-7 09:28
common   Your Infomation Source Chakra 图片附件 金刚得 2016-6-20 2/7901 uheax 2023-1-7 09:27
common   7 Mudras To Unlock Your 7 Chakras 图片附件 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/9595 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:57
common   中脉七轮图解 图片附件 瑞祥 2016-6-4 3/11763 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:56
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common   Be Heard, Using Throat Chakra Meditation 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 3/9511 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:53
common   瑜伽调息法 宝莲定觉 2013-10-13 4/13572 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:52
common   How To Use Intuitive Healing To Improve Your Life 淡泊真味 2016-7-24 2/9541 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:51
common   Methods for Each Chakra 金刚得 2016-7-4 2/8855 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:50
common   光明点奥义书 宝莲定觉 2013-10-6 2/11627 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:49
common   Understanding Chakra Frequencies 淡泊真味 2016-7-24 2/9176 lvmjn 2023-1-3 16:46
common   气 脉轮 明点的性相 附件 喜鹊七子 2006-7-9 9/28599 益西桑宝 2019-10-21 11:33
common   Connect to the Divine with a Crown Chakra Opening 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 1/6807 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:20
common   Get Grounded with a Root Chakra Meditation 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 1/6867 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:19
common   World, Hear Me Roar! (After I Open My Throat Chakra) 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 1/6924 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:19
common   Kundalini Awakening: the Awakening of Source Energy 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 1/6734 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:19
common   Positive Change From Within: Balance Your Chakras! 淡泊真味 2016-7-15 1/6892 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:18
common   Enhance Your Well-Being With Seven Chakra Yoga 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/6905 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:18
common   Keep Your Chakras Open by Learning How to Be Positive 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7211 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:18
common   Kundalini Breathing; Long Deep Breathing and Breath of Fire 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7052 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:17
common   Daily Tips for Maintaining Healthy Hand Chakras 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/6959 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:17
common   Heal Yourself with Energy Healing Modalities 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7475 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:17
common   How to Heal your Chakras for a Well Balanced System 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7179 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:17
common   How the Chakras of the Earth Reflect Our Own 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7287 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:16
common   Balance Your Chakras With Chakra Mudras 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7341 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:16
common   The Spontaneous Kundalini Experience 淡泊真味 2016-7-17 1/7248 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:16
common   Expanding the Heart Chakra Through Heart Chakra Meditation 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 1/7299 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:15
common   Using Chakra Chants to Open Your Energy Flow 淡泊真味 2016-7-18 1/7129 淡泊真味 2016-7-19 14:15
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